Tag Archives: 96 теста

Tumor Diagnosis

Тумурна диагностика

Tumor Diagnosis ELISA kits are intended for use in the clinic for monitoring and follow-up examinations of tumor markers that appear with certain types of cancer, metastases or a recurrence of the disease can be detected. Tumor Diagnosis ELISA Kits: AFP ELISA Bax (human) ELISA BcL-2 (human) ELISA CA 242 ELISA Catenin, Beta Total ELISA CEA […]

Food Allergies, Toxins and other

Allergies designate the overreaction of the immune system to certain environmental influences, which do not cause an immune response in healthy people. Food Allergies, Toxins and other ELISA kits: Food Additives Allergy Screening ELISA Foods IgG ELISA alpha-Lactalbumin IgA ELISA alpha-Lactalbumin IgG ELISA beta-Lactoglobulin IgA ELISA beta-Lactoglobulin IgG ELISA Histamin ELISA Release ELISA Soya IgA […]

Virology / Serology and Parasitology

Инфекциозни и паразитни болести

Infectious diseases are caused by certain microorganisms. The pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) cause specific symptoms that require a timely treatment. Virology / Serology and Parasitology ELISA kits: Adenovirus antigen (stool) ELISA Adenovirus IgA ELISA Adenovirus IgG/IgM ELISA* Ascaris lumbricoides IgG ELISA Aspergillus fumigatus IgA ELISA Aspergillus fumigatus IgG ELISA Aspergillus fumigatus IgM ELISA Astrovirus in […]

Immunology / Hematology

Имунология и Хематология

Immunology focuses on the interaction and disorders of the immune system, while hematology focuses on blood diseases. Immunology / Hematology ELISA kits: Aggrecan PG Akt (Total) human, mouse, rat ELISA Akt (pS473) human, mouse, rat ELISA sAPO1/FAS (Human) ELISA Caspase-8 (Human) ELISA Caspase-9 (Human) ELISA CIq ELISA (Circ. Immune Complexes) ELISA Complement C3a des Arg […]

Autoimmune Diseases

Автоимунни заболявания

Autoimmune diseases are diseases of the immune system where endogenous body tissue is erroneously attacked by the immune system. The detection of these antibodies can indicate the existence of possible diseases. Autoimmune ELISA kits: Acetylcholin-Rec. Auto-Ab ELISA anti-Alphafodrin ELISA AMA-M2 (anti-Mitochondrial Ab) ELISA ANCA Combi ELISA ANCA Screen ELISA Anti-Annexin V IgG/IgM ELISA anti- PR-3 […]

Pregnancy and Fertility

Бременност и фертилитет

Determination of certain (steroid) hormones and bio-markers, which concentrations are of importance for the fertility, the state of pregnancy in general or potential risks of prenatal disorders and diseases. Pregnancy and Fertility ELISA kits: AFP (alpha Fetoprotein) ELISA Androstandiol (aDiol G) ELISA Androstenedione ELISA DHEA ELISA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) DHEA Sulfate ELISA Estradiol ELISA Estradiol Ultrasensitive ELISA […]